For The Very First Time - Part 2 of chapter 4.

2013-01-29 @ 22:29:00
”So, how’s things going with Jason?” Brooklyn winked. April’s cheeks flushed red.

”Uhm... I guess. Erm, good” she stuttered.

”Tell me!”  

”Okay, okay. He texted me yesterday”, she smiled at the ground as Brooklyn started to jump up and down. 

”Aaaah, are you kidding?! What did he say?!”

”Gosh, Brook, calm down”, April mumbled. ”He just asked how I was doing and we chatted a bit. That’s all”.

”Oh my god, he’s so into you!” Brooklyn cheered.


”He’s not!” April protested but a smile spread across her face.


”Let’s see about that”, Brooklyn smirked. ”Well, come on now, we’ll be late”.




”That’s beautiful”. Brooklyn admired the painting April did in watercolours. It was of a girl with red, long hair and a white dress who was running on a meadow full of colourful flowers. She didn’t seem to run to something special, and Brooklyn thought that she ran just because she wanted to. Because she was happy.


”Thanks”, April smiled. ”Why haven’t you done anything?”


Brooklyn sighed and looked down at her own paper, who had stayed white.


”I don’t know”, she mumbled. ”I don’t seem to find any inspiration”.


”Listen to music, thats how I find inspiration”.


”Yeah, I guess I can try”. 


She took her earphones and phone out of her satchel and put them in her ears. She started playing  Mumford and Sons album and after a while pictures started flow through her mind.


”It’s actually working”, she told her best friend, before grabbing some pencils and a palette.


She worked uninterruptedly until the bell rang, telling everyone the school day had come to an end.


”Wow, Brook”, April breathed. Brooklyn took out the earphones and scanned the drawing. She had used blue, purple and pink, and also some green, and on the paper there was a portrait of a girl who closed her eyes, surrounded by wavy hair which shifted in colours. 


”My god, Miss Davies and Miss Winston, your paintings are wonderful!” Their art teacher stood behind them, her makeup painted face lit up in a big smile, and her brown curls danced around her shoulders as she talked eagerly. 


”I’ll get them dried, and when they are we have to put them up in here!” She spoke.




”I am not letting her put up my drawing”, April laughed as she, Brooklyn and Nick made their way out of the school.


”Not me either”, Brooklyn agreed. 


”So, you’re joining to my place?” Nick asked and she nodded. ”Yeah, but not for the whole evening because Mr. Lewis gave us like a tons of papers we where going to study”. She sighed.


”Yeah, I know how he is”.


They where in a eager conversation about Mr. Lewis and how everybody hated him, when Brooklyn’s eyes landed on a car that was parked outside the school. Her heart felt like it was stuck in her throat when she saw who the driver was.


”Uhm, can you excuse me for a moment?” She mumbled to her boyfriend before she fast walked over to the black Range Rover and stood in front of the drawn-down window.


”What in the hell are you doing here?” She asked Harry who had a amused smile playing on his lips.


”So here’s your school...” He said in his raspy voice, glancing at the building beside her.


”Hey, look at me. Why are you here?”


”I wanted to see you”. 


”Okay, new question: How did you know which school I go on?”


”Brooklyn, you can just stop asking right now how I get to know stuff about you, because I can get over any information I want...” 


”I guess it’s now you’ll say that ‘you have contacts’ ”, she rolled her eyes, rather annoyed.


”Exactly”, he smiled.


”Well, I can’t see you right now. I’m going home to Nick”.


Harry looked disappointed in a second, but a smile spread across his face the second after.

”Well, you have my number. Call me”. 


And then the car was speeding away.


”Hey, who were you talking to?” Nick asked, coming up behind her.


”No one”, she sighed. ”Shall we go?”

Postat av: Maria

Soooooooooooo Good!

2013-01-29 @ 23:52:03
Postat av: Nathalie

Ahh spännande!!! Ville inte att kapitlet skulle ta slut när jag läste. Längtar verkligen efter att få läsa vad som händer i nästa del!!! :D

2013-01-30 @ 18:36:16

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