For The Very First Time - Chapter 5.
”Well, you have my number. Call me”.
And then the car was speeding away.
”Hey, who were you talking to?” Nick asked, coming up behind her.
”No one”, she sighed. ”Shall we go?”
She was leaned against the end of Nick’s bed, sitting at his carpet and studying history. Sometimes kisses were stolen from each other. Brooklyn mentally cursed everytime, when she didn’t think of Nick’s lips on hers, but Harry’s. Whatever she did, she couldn’t seem to get him out of her head. His dark, luscious curls hanging around his perfect formed face, his olive green eyes gazing into hers, his… Ugh, no she was doing it again!
“Is everything okay babe? You seem a little distracted”. Nick’s words made her flinch.
“No, no everything is okay”, she said and forced a smile. But it’s not, she thought. Why was she so damn stupid? She had a perfect boyfriend! She couldn’t just forget about him for some stupid boyband-singer. How gorgeous eyes he may have. But it wasn’t just his eyes! His cheeky but still kind personality… God, she did it again!
“I need to go to the bathroom”, she mumbled and stood up. She locked the bathroom door behind her and mentally sighed deeply. When did everything become like this? It didn’t feel right in one way, and definitely not to Nick. She had got the boy she’d dream about since high school, and suddenly that didn’t seem to be enough for her? No, suddenly she dreamed about pop-stars, which she never did.
She walked to the sink and washed her face with some cold water. She dried her face with a towel and went back out to her boyfriend with she lately often had to remind herself that she had.
Nick smiled to her when she came out and her heart sank a little. She’d barely forgot how wonderful his smile was.
“Come here”, he said and tapped his lap. She sat down and they kissed sweetly. His familiar scent filled her mouth as his tongue slid past her lips.
She snatched when his hand slid under her top. She knew it shouldn’t be that bad, but in some way she felt uncomfortable.
“You know I’m not ready yet”, she mumbled which made him snort.
“You’re not ready for sex but me touching you isn’t sex”, he said coldly. She didn’t answer, just moved back to where she sat at first, and continued to study.
“I think you need to go now. Jason will be here soon, we’ll watch the game”, he said just as coldly. She got hurt by his words, and felt pathetic.
“Yeah, I should be home by now anyway”, she mumbled.
When she was on her way home she wondered if Harry ever would throw her out in that way.
Sorry for the short chapter! I'll post one more as soon as I can. :)
Måste bara säga att jag älskar uppdateringen på den här bloggen! Åh det blir bara mer spännande för varje gång när Brooklyn tänker på Harry!! Ser verkligen fram emot att få se hur hon handskas med sina känslor :)
Åhhh, började att läsa fanfictionen/novellen idag och den är verkligen sjuuuuuuukt bra! Med andra ord så älskar jag den ;)
Längtar till nästa kapitel ^