The Niall Fanfic

2013-01-15 @ 19:22:25

Teaser MDOF:

We all have different kinds of dreams.
Different kind of hopes, lifes, and different fates. We all have different tastes in books, movies, music, boys and food. But most of all, we all have different definitions of perfection. And I suppose, he was mine.

My definition of perfect
is a simple story about a girl, who basically could be anyone, anyone of us. She’s just like everybody else. Just with an extra twisted humour, and a special taste in books, movies, boys, music and food. Just like everybody else. But when it comes down to it, what is it, really, that defines us to be who we are?
Ella is just like you and me. She’s studying in a small school in England, eats a lot, hang out with her friends, and have a wicked intrest in soccer. (Or football, whatever you like to call it.)

The funny part is, I think what makes all of us humans so similar to eachother, is also the things that define the differences betweeen us.
 All of us have dreams. But not all of us have dreams about the same stuff. Or persons. But then, when two people fall in love; Is that people who share the same dreams, the same taste in food, music, people, and all of that; or basically just the opposite?

The first chapter of "My Definition Of Perfect" will be up tomorrow night. 
But meanwhile, here's a teaser to think about. ;) x

Postat av: Josefine

sv: tack så jättemycket!
Eran blogg är jättefin :D
Allt bra med er?

2013-01-16 @ 11:52:59

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